Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Montreal Bike Lanes


Tanya said...

How do right turns work? (since it doesn't appear that drivers can merge into the bike lane) Or is there a different signal to make it so the bike is not starting up straight from a red the same time a car is turning right?

Anonymous said...

i assumeright turning cars just turn from their car lanes into the next road's car lanes.. and bikes lanes are only for that - bikes. it's sort of like how in toronto presently, cars turn right on roads, and not on sidewalks (which are 'lanes' for pedestrians).

i, for one, would like to see these kinds of bike lanes implemented here - REAL ones that cars cannot enter because of the physical barrier!

Tino said...

Right turns by cars are a problem according to people
who ride their bikes in Montreal. The barrier helps for sure. But in the end, we will not likely see these here in Toronto.

Anonymous said...

I've been in a bunch of those Montreal bike lanes. I don't mind them if I'm going slow, but they're kind of scary too. Two lanes of bike traffic sandwiched between the curb and posts / second curbs / parked cars.....yikes! You have to watch for peds and door prizes. Plus, some of them become littered with garbage, glass, leaves, etc.

Left turns and lanechanges in anticipation of a left turn are a problem too because not only do you have to watch for cars on your left, but you have to watch for bikes coming towards you and the separator posts. That is, IF you can even get through them.

Well, at least they're not as badly blocked as this one. :)


Tino said...

Great shot Victor! Snow clearing of bike lanes should be in the budget
of any city that cyclists seriously. Guess someone has to sue first.