Tuesday, May 16, 2006

For the record

The last four cyclist to die on city roads were killed by a truck.

The two drivers, in the cases involving Ryan Carriere & Isaac Morkel, have now been charged by police. The most recent deaths are still under investigation.

The Trucking Association thinks cyclists need to learn the rules of the road.

I think trucks need to slow down and start seeing cyclists. And stop if the lose sight of them.


Steeker said...

(The Trucking Association thinks cyclists need to learn the rules of the road ) Well alot of the truck drivers need to relearn the rules of the road ! truck drivers like to intimadate other road users and get road rage if anything is in the way just go down to Bay and Dundas and Yonge and Dundas a couple of times and watch their faces

Anonymous said...

It's good to see that at least charges were laid. I've seen a lot of vehicles, cars included, overtake a cyclist only to turn right immediately after passing them. Or the omniprescent cab wheeling in to pick up a fare.

You think if we can put people on the moon that we could come up with a mirror system that doesn't have blind spots. Or also legislate side guards. Transport Canada has a long standing regulation on underride guards to protect motorists who are unable to distinguish a moving truck from a parked one.
