Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Cyclist Beaten Up for Slowing Traffic in Montreal

by John Symon (Pedalmag excerpt)
December 18, 2012 (Montreal, QC) – Florent Daudens, a Montreal resident, was cycling December 14 on Saint-Hubert Street near downtown Montreal when he was physically attacked reports Alain Gravel of Radio Canada on his blog (in French – link below). The incident occurred where the street narrowed and Daudens was forced to ride into the street, forcing motorists to slow down for perhaps 15 seconds. An agitated passenger in a car began calling insults to the cyclist along the lines of, “Hey, jerk, stop slowing down the traffic. Move aside! Streets are made for cars, not bikes, especially in winter!” read on here: http://pedalmag.com/?p=179630
Podcast about this nastiness

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