Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Learn to drive


Anonymous said...

Hey, is that Davisville Public School/Metropolitan Toronto School For The Deaf? It looks incredibly familiar, but I don't recognize the traffic lines.

Tino said...

Blake, you're spot on.

Anonymous said...

Rock! My daughter goes to daycare there, and I went there from grades 1-6. (Uh, the Davisville part, that is. I can hear just fine. Which leads to another question. I'm going to assume that at least some of the people reading this are against wearing headphones while riding their bicycles, are they also against deaf people riding bicycles?) Oddly, despite going to the school for six years, I don't think I ever rode on that stretch of pavement.

Anonymous said...

I take it you're not a fan of the hypotheticals. Pity. And please, call me Blake. Everyone else does.

Anonymous said...

Could be. You're certainly not the first person to question my intelligence. On the other hand, have you ever thought about the question? Is it really not worth _any_ pondering, even as a hypothetical?

I have to admit, even though I feel that the two cases aren't the same, I can't quite see the essential difference between not hearing because you've plugged up your ears with earphones, and not hearing because you can't. Is your point that when you can't hear at all, you train your other senses to compensate? I somehow think not. If I had to guess, I would guess that you just don't care, and so I will officially drop it, and continue wondering in private.

Tino said...

Please no more comments on this blog entry. Not meant to be a forum. Cheers.