Bloor Cinema. Friday November 25, 7:30 p.m. (Note: Pictures above are not stills from the film)
STILL WE RIDE is an action-packed glimpse into a shocking showdown between the monthly Critical Mass bike ride and police in New York City. On Friday August 27, 2004 in New York City, just days before the
start of the Republican National Convention, 264 people were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and 'parading without a permit' during the monthly bicycle celebration, Critical Mass. The ritual began in 1992 in San
Francisco and has since spread around the world to over 300 cities. The August crackdown in NYC was the beginning of an ongoing effort to suppress free assembly for group rides. The monthly cycle of arrests and bicycle seizures has forced the bike community into a legal battle with the city and politicized the very act of riding a bike. Co-director, Andrew Lynn, will be on hand to present this 37-minute documentary along with a
collection of short bike videos from around the world. Q & A welcome. In a brief talk and slide presentation, Andrew will provide a context for the documentary by highlighting terminology, expanding on related events, and providing the audience updated information about ongoing court cases and the continuation of monthly arrests. Though the tactics of the NYPD against Critical Mass might seem like a somewhat isolated and case of police
harassment of bicyclists, it has far-reaching implications. Still We Ride just might be a wake-up call to those who still believe we are living in a free society. Information on the campaigns to stop the arrests will be available. NYC's cycling community hopes that people can report back to their own networks and communities to build cyclist solidarity around these issues.
1 comment:
Saw the movie in Ottawa tonight, and was impressed. Honestly didn't have high hopes before hand, but was proved very wrong.
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