Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The King of Bike Messengers (NYC)

Lots of close calls and he even has time to feed the fish.


Anonymous said...

I admire the abilities of people who can ride like this. These kinds of videos are always exciting to watch.

I just wish this guy didn't treat pedestrians and other cyclists like dirt when he's out there doing that.

Steeker said...

Nice video ,and it is fun to ride like that the odd time. but I agree with Vic on the bad bits

Anonymous said...

what about that other guy who says he's NY's fastest cyclist? You know, whatsis name in the other video.

Anonymous said...

Pathetic. He needs to come to Toronto and learn some courtesy. Toronto couriers can deek cars out no problem and they do not take runs at peds. Must be his training as Navy SEAL. I hope the asshole gets doored and loses his bike.

Tino said...

Well, all true he should be much more considerate but let's face facts: it's New York and time is money. He's not doing anything different than delivery and cabdrivers do in Toronto daily.

Anonymous said...

NY is the city of pedestrians. Cyclists do not need to lower themselves to the level of cabbies and delivery idiots. Surprised no one clocked him in the video.

Anonymous said...

There's a book called "the immortal class" that could be about this guy. In the end of the book, well I won't spoil it for you--but shit happens.

He thinks he's spiderman or something, that says it all. I'm with Vic on the attitude: the guy should look in a dictionary under the word "hubris."

Thanks for putting up the video though--it's a kick to watch.

Anonymous said...

Did he actually say he trained as a Seal or had SEAL training, which could mean he got booted on the first day... I'd watch the video again, but that would mean I'd have to hear him and his brother talking about him again... I'm surprised he doesn't have two mirrors attached to his helmet so he can watch himself as he rides.

Steeker said...

did'nt we have a peuk up here that stated he was the fastest messenger in Toronto and that if you were'nt a messenger you should'nt driving a bike on the road.. I seem to recall he went through an suv's back window..