NEWSFLASH- It has been confirmed that Toronto Mayor David Miller was rushed to hospital after a large growth on his nose was discovered moments after he released his "Green Plan". He was being challenged on his poor record on cycling infrastructure at the time. Doctors at St.Mikes are working furiously trying to keep up with the growth. No word yet as to its cause.
Who nose eh?
Oh, and there's one city stat that was showing us to be about 20% over the stabilization date of 1990, about the exact opposite of the Toronto Target that Germany is near. Oops.
And the Worldwatch Institute cited Canada's transport sector as needing work, but we build subways to sprawl, support big roads in the core, and so far ignore a cheap chance for a long bikeway along Bloor. We're not just the amanglemated motoropolis, it's the amanglemated moronopolis too.
Oh, Pinocchio was a happy lad the since the day he lost his strings. He can walk and talk and fly.
"Do anything I try"
Sing a song, do a dance, play a flute.
"Do anything I try"
But never never never never never never never never ever should he ever ride a bike.
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