Monday, March 07, 2005

A Documentary about Cycling

I have been doing research on a full-length documentary regarding the history of cycling in North America.
Hope to finish it this year. The working title is 'Riding in the Gutter'.


Anonymous said...

a so fascinating subject for a french cyclist.
we have had all kind of lightweight bicycles but never the slightest phantom, spacelander, spaceliner or sting-ray...
here bicycles have always been serious and practical, while yours were rather fun.
2 histories, 2 cars histories, 2 kinds of relation with cars, 2 kinds of bicycles.
zaz, paris, france

Tino said...

True. I grew up in Europe, so you can imagine
how strange riding a bike is for me here. It's a
vast subject, I just hope I can do it justice.