Saturday, November 25, 2006

Cmass November 2006

More Photos


Steeker said...

That was a fun November CM ride nice see'ing you Rick and Derick :-D . nice pic's ,,,,,,, my first two vid's came out ok.

Steeker said...

where's your video??????

Anonymous said...

Hey it's a picture of me!

Seriously, it was a fun ride. The two guys I brought from Michigan also had a good time. One of them, Tim Potter, is the head of the Michigan State University Bike project.

Anonymous said...

Great ride. The trumpeter and the short ride thru that mall were definite highlights for my son Alex & I. It was our first CM ride and one that we'll never forget; thanks a bunch Jun!

Anonymous said...

Hey Martino,
I noticed that you had that PureDigital camcorder at the CM. I am just wondering where you got it and what you think about it. I was looking into getting one of them myself.



Tino said...

CVS stores in the US or eBay. Af friend brought from the states back for me as an incentive to make a short film. Worked great. You'll need a special cable as well to get the vids off the thing...
Email me at tino{AT} for more info.

Great little device.