Friday, June 29, 2012

Children Cycling

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Bicycle Movement of 1885

Harbord Street

Harbord Street, originally uploaded by Martinho.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Jarvis Bike Lane Stencil


Monday, June 25, 2012

The Anser

The Anser, originally uploaded by Martinho.

Friday, June 22, 2012

If not now ... when?

The Impressionist Cyclist

The Impressionist Cyclist, originally uploaded by Martinho.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

World's Best-Designed Newspaper

World's Best-Designed Newspaper, originally uploaded by Martinho.
Car ads come to the bike lane. 

Ontario Coroner's Recommendations

Highlights and Updates
Side Guards On Trucks  |  Update: NO! Treehugger Globe
Provincial Cycling Plan 
Complete Streets Policy
Three Foot Passing Rule
Improve Bike Safety Education
Mandatory Helmet Law
Hand Tags on new bikes with cycling safety info

Coroner's Report on Cycling

Monday, June 18, 2012


A dose of sanity from BBC Radio in response to mandatory bike helmet legislation (Real player) How many personal freedoms are you willing to give up to ride your bike?

Another view on the issue by Cycle Toronto

The Future

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Eaton's Road King

P1070148 Eaton's Road King, originally uploaded by Martinho.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Dupont Lanes Next To Be Erased?

Councillor Bailao on the Bike Lanes on Dupont: 
“I’m not even contemplating that at the moment. We need to see what data city staff come up with… I do have lot of residents saying things have gotten worse since the bike lanes went in. Sometimes perception can be different from the reality. We want to get the public involved. We need to formalize a consultation that will include the cyclists, the people in the neighbourhood, the business owners.”
Photo: Dupont & Dundas West Memorial for Galen Kuellmer 2004. 


Ride For Jarvis June 13th

Dupont Bike Counters

Dupont Bike Lanes 2012-06-05
Uploaded with Skitch!
Photo by Joey Schwartz

Friday, June 01, 2012

How to ride a rainbow

How to ride a rainbow, originally uploaded by intrepidacious.

Ready For Summer

Bells on Bloor Saturday!