Friday, February 27, 2009

Rogue cycling group steals forklift.

Feb 27,2009 - BLDNews - Toronto Police report that a new rogue cycling group is believed responsible for stealing an industrial forklift called a telehandler. The device is able to lift up to 3 metric tons and able to extend the load either vertically or horizontally up to 15 metres. Police have not yet determined why the cyclists wanted the forklift as it would have little value outside a construction site. The investigation is ongoing.

In other news, Toronto Fire Services has been tasked with removing vehicles that have been parked on 4th and 5th floor balconies along College St. A special crane is being brought in to assist in the removal. The operation may take several days and College St will be closed to traffic during that period. The City of Toronto has launched a study of the situation to see if they can prevent any further occurrences of cars being parked on balconies.


Evan said...

I actually had to read this twice. Heh heh

Steeker said...

that would be nice to move cars in the bike lane

Guido Bruidoclarke said...

The cycling group in question should have just stole a steam roller instead

Anonymous said...

How did they know it was cyclists could have been any one.

Anonymous said...

I guess they are assuming cause they are only moving cars that have been parked in the bike lanes.