Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Holy Crap

New Work by URS
UrbanRepair Squad
Harbord Street.

Saddletramp wrote: "The action-hero drama of dodging obstacles and potholes, escaping devil-may-care drivers in super-fast cars, and braving the fierce, temperamental elements, may seem, and feel, quite comic. Unless you're face-down on the pavement.

With some wit, we endeavour to provide warning with humour; suggest danger with comedy; invite caution without frightening... and most importantly, we appeal to our fine city to remember that potholes aren't just uncomfortable, they really, really hurt."

1 comment:

lou said...

I hope they get on repairing the roads this spring after tearing them all up LAST summer. My ride to work was a constant construction zone, and is now an endurance test of bumps, holes, gravel, tracks and cracks.

what a nightmare.