Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Car Drivers Underpay Their Fair Share of Road Costs

by Todd Litman: (snip) "Vancouver is working to create a more diverse and efficient transport system. Vancouver’s efforts have been pretty successful: automobile mode share has declined, due in part to walking, cycling and public transit infrastructure improve-ments. Yet, motorists continue to oppose new bike lanes, arguing that cyclists pay an insufficient share of roadway costs. In a recent interview with Vancouver newspaper columnist Don Cayo, I pointed out that local roads are mainly funded by general taxes that residents pay regardless of how they travel, and since motorists impose higher roadway costs per kilometer of travel and tend to travel more annual kilometers than people who rely on other modes, it is motorists who underpay their infrastructure costs. This column generated an unusually large number of responses (119 at last count), many quite angry at the suggestion that motorists underpay or that the city should continue to invest in alternative modes." (photo by Rick Conroy)

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