T O O K E R!
Feel free to send a note of thanks to Adam Giambrone.
Article about Take the Tooker
in the National Post today. Page A13.
As Chair of the Toronto City Cycling Committee (TCCC) he deserves our thanks for standing up for Cyclists!
That's awesome! I had no idea these were on the way!
Me neither. We should send a thank you to
Adam Giambrone. Good work.
COOl :) .
Are the bike lanes the whole length of Bloor ?. And now we need to get Danforth bike lanes installed.
I think the Danforth would be great for Bike Lanes. Take the Tooker!
I'll be up at Bay & Bloor tonight on my way home... I'll check them out. :)
Um, the lanes look awesome. All that space between the curb and the moving cars! Perfect place for lanes!
Yeah, wonder why they install all of Bloor. Lazy I guess, or is no vision?
hmmm..rode eastbound along bloor last night (the 21st) at around 1930H and could find no trace of such lanes between bay and balmuto...perhaps taxis were parked on top of them....
Ok. It's time to confess. It's a spoof.
I just have one question though.
Why not Bike Lanes on Bloor?
I think Adam Giambrone owes us all the answer.
Giambrone should spend some time getting acquainted with filling out forms for unemployment. He had his chance, time to toss him.
Flaming Adam? Wow! He's on our side...politics, whatever. On another note, anybody check out Page A13 of the February 23rd post? It's got Rick Conroy's art in there.
Sorry, still trying to get the knife out that he stuck in the collective backs of cyclists.
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