Monday, May 01, 2006

Might is right

According to the City of Toronto, The Police and The Trucking Association.

Read the Globe Article


Anonymous said...

Wow, that article upsets me!
I understand their point, and agree that it's best to keep a good distance between you and big trucks (it worries me to to end whenever I see a cyclist skooching up beside a truck at a red light)... but the article pins the blame solely on the cyclist. As if no trucker has ever tried to pass cyclists by :sharing" the lane, or honked at a cyclist for taking the lane ahead of them...

Tanya said...

Would love to read the article but it seems to be only available to subscribers. But I agree with Briana, I've seen lots of trucks not play nice when they are overtaking cyclists. The scariest was I was riding in Oshawa on the same street as the GM plant and lots of transport trucks hauling cars every two minutes, and it was four lanes and I take the lane because I know I'll get breezed way too close by the truck if I stay right, and the truck just keeps coming up on you and trying to play chicken rather than actually change lanes so the dman trucks scared me off the road.

Anonymous said...

You can access the article through - I searched for '"Jeff Gray" "Globe and Mail"', and his most recent articles come up. The link it provides gives access to the full article!

Steeker said...

What sucks and is dangerous is alot of the truck drivers try to scare you off the road by passing to close , like Tanya said about Oshawa I see the same thing on Warden Ave and around Toronto, makes me MAD :|