In the last month, 25 BikeShare bikes around downtown Toronto have been vandalized. Tires are being deliberately punctured, requiring hundreds of dollars in parts and labour. The attacks are a serious blow to the viability of BikeShare, a not-for-profit community project of the Community Bicycle Network. BikeShare welcomes your ideas on countering this vandalism and safeguarding our bikes. Call us 416-504-2918 or bikeshare[at]communitybicyclenetwork.org
(more info in the comments)
The vandalism began last winter at our Grassroots - Riverdale hub where six bikes were targeted. Since April 2006, the tires of bikes at hubs around the city have been punctured, including those at The Bike Joint, Jet Fuel and Mountain Equipment Co-op. The same instrument appears to be used in all cases.
Project Manager Maogosha Pyjor states, “This vandalism undermines a valued community service that is already struggling financially.”
“This threatens to shut down several key BikeShare hub locations because they are unable to bring the bikes in overnight. The vandalism is probably happening when the hubs are closed,” Pyjor adds.
BikeShare is requesting the assistance of the general public to be on the lookout, especially around hub locations. A list of hubs can be found at www.bikeshare.org.
Since 2001, BikeShare’s fleet of bright yellow bicycles has been a welcome addition to the streets of downtown Toronto. BikeShare provides people with a healthy, affordable, convenient and efficient way to travel.
BikeShare, a project of the Community Bicycle Network, is Canada’s largest and most comprehensive bicycle sharing project. It recently won a Green Toronto award from the City of Toronto in its Community Projects category.
I heard from someone this afternoon that one of the locations has security camera footage showing the perpetrator in action. If this is true, I hope that they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. (And that their picture is posted at bike shops, and on weblogs. But I'm vindictive that way.)
that is so odd...
do you think it is someone who hates the color yellow?
or a bike shop owner trying to fight for business?
who would do such a thing?
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